I have written more blogging websites than actual blogs
Jan 15, 2025 - 451 words
I think I am way too indecisive
My Indecisiveness.
So I had decided to make a website where I can post some of my thoughts and/or share interesting stuff I found on the internet about 2 years ago. Since then I build 4 different website for this exact same purpose and while I think I am learning stuff along the way each time when I am done building the website I found something that suggests there is a better way to do it. So I start to look into that way and rebuild it again and again and honestly I think this is the last time I do this for a while. I made a promise to myself I wouldn't even think about starting over again for at least one year regardless of how bad this turns out. That being said I do intends to make changes to it, improve it in any way I can when I get the change to(i.e. comments are on the way)
I don't know how this will turn out in practice but I have an idea of what I wanna do for comments. One thing I hate the most on the internet is having to log in to every website I visit. So login system is a hard no, no one wants to log into a stupid website they probably are never going to visit ever again just to comment on their post. So here is what I will do I will use the django sessions to and let people comment with those so they can be identified without having to loggin( which I would have no use for anyway)
Deployment has been a big pain in the ass this time too. connecting my django project to postgresql database on heroku and doing all the configurations were very annoying. The worst part though was doing the DNS configuration for custom domain. I spent over 2 hours trying to get it to work but even though I was doing right, heroku SSL Certificates thing kept having some issues and I finally gave up and left. I came back today and checked heroku and its working LOL. I guess it just takes some time to get the certificate or something. Well its working now and that's all that matters.
Side Note
this post is half "general", half "tech" category so I will just mark it as tech because why not.
And one thing I liked doing in the last website I made was sharing "the song of the day"(that is the song I enjoyed the most during that day).
So here is the song of the day:
Baby, I love you - The Ronettes